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Grants and Funding Programs for Archives in British Columbia

The following is a general listing of funding opportunities available to archives in British Columbia. Please review individual program websites for eligibility criteria and specific application guidelines.

For questions or advice on completing an application, please contact the EAS Coordinator at

Federal Government Supported Programs

  • Canada Cultural Spaces Fundprovides funding to successful applicants of up to 33 per cent of total eligible project costs for construction and renovation of arts and heritage facilities as well as for projects that transform buildings that were not previously used for cultural purposes into arts or heritage facilities. Also provides funding to successful applicants of up to 50 per cent of total eligible project costs for specialized equipment purchases and feasibility studies.
  • Young Canada Worksprovides funding for organizations to hire youth (under the age of 30) to carry out a wide range of archival projects. The Canadian Council of Archives (CCA) is the delivery organization for the archival community. 

Provincial Government Supported Programs

  • BC Arts Council: funding opportunities for arts and cultural activity in communities.
  • Community Gaming Grants: funding for non-profit organizations to apply for provincial gaming revenues to support direct delivery of a program that benefits the broader community. 

Other Programs

  • British Columbia Historical Federation: Centennial Legacy Fund is a small funding program that supports individuals and organizations working on projects to promote and preserve BC history. Past funding has supported initial research, exhibitions, acquisition of conservation supplies, documentation of oral histories, and the digitization of important collections. 
  • British Columbia History Digitization Programsponsored by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre at the University of British Columbia. The program provides financial support for digitization projects providing online access to unique British Columbia historical materials.
  • Terry Reksten Memorial Fund: the Fund annually offers two awards of $1,000.00 each to a community archives in British Columbia to assist in the work of acquiring, preserving, indexing or disseminating information on the archival documentary heritage of British Columbia.

Other Resources

  • Heritage Canada Foundation: list of foundations and other financial aid organizations, including governments, supporting heritage conservation in Canada.

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The Archives Association of British Columbia acknowledges that it carries out its work on the land of Indigenous nations throughout British Columbia. We are grateful for the continuing relationships with Indigenous people in B.C. that develop through our work together.  

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